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Halloween Ghost Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$60 Wilhelm Schweizer German Zinnfiguren Pewter. Halloween Ghost / Geist Size: - The un..
Wilhelm Schweizer Halloween Ghost House - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
$108.00 Size: 4.5" x 4" tall This spooky cottage is based on the mold used to create the Witc..
Wilhelm Schweizer Fairytale Pewter The Big Bad Witch
$76 Hexe, or Witch, in English! Here she is, the Big, Bad Witch of the Hansel and Gretel Fairy..
Wilhelm Schweizer Fairytale Pewter Hansel & Gretel Witch's House
Wilhelm Schweizer Zinn (Pewter) Witch's House This darling witch's house is the cornerstone of th..
Vogelscheuche Scarecrow Hanging Ornament Wilhelm Schweizer
Vogelscheuche Scarecrow Size: 2" x 2 1/2" tall. The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern..
Zauberer Halloween Trick-or-Treater Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$66 Wilhelm Schweizer German Zinnfiguren Pewter. "Holloween Magician" "Trick-or-Treater" "Bo..
Mice on a Pumpkin House Wilhelm Schweizer
$32 "Holloween-Kuerbis-Maeuse" Size: 2-1/2" tall. The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Ba..
Hanging Jack-O-Lantern Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
$68 Halloween Pumpkin Jack-O-Lantern Size: 4 1/2" x 4 1/4" tall. 12 x 11 cm tall. ..
Little Devil Hanging Ornament Wilhelm Schweizer
Little Devil Size: 2 1/2" tall The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern hand painted pewt..
Jack-O-Lantern Hanging Ornament Wilhelm Schweizer
Halloween Kuerbis mit Hut Size: 5 1/2 cm x 5 1/2 cm tall The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer o..
Ghost Hanging Ornament Wilhelm Schweizer
Halloween Geist Size: 2 1/4" tall 6 cm tall The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern han..
Jack-O-Lantern Hanging Ornament Wilhelm Schweizer
$26 Holloween-Kuerbis Size: 5 cm x 5 cm tall The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern ..
Witch on Broom Hanging Ornament Wilhelm Schweizer
$26 Witch on Broom "Hexe fliegt" Size: 2 1/4" tall. 6 cm tall. The unparalleled Wilhelm ..
Autumn Fairy Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$ 66 Wilhelm Schweizer German Zinnfiguren Pewter. "Boy Fairy" "Herbstkind" "Autumn child" ..
Scarecrow Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$66 Size: 3.75" tall The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern hand painted pewter! K..
Wheat Wilhelm Schweizer Standing Pewter
$44 Size: 3 1/2" L x 2 1/2" H The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern hand painted pewte..
Halloween Favorites Wilhelm Schweizer Pewter Set - Weekly Special 10 - SOLD OUT
$198 Introducing our new weekly Wilhelm Schweizer specials! These curated sets feature a handpick..
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