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Schaller Paper Mache

Schaller Paper Mache Collectibles

For over 100 years the Schaller family has created Paper Mache collectibles. Handcrafted by the "Ino Schaller" family in Bavaria.

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Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Large oldred with Tree' - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
$324 Sizes: 14"1/2tall x 12"round. The Belsnickel These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas f..
Ino Schaller Paper Machee Brown Santa 'Christmas Tree" - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Sizes: 14"1/2tall x 12"round. $324 These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figures Ma..
Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Large in Blue' - TEMPORARLLY OUT OF STOCI
  $780 Size: 20.25" tall 7.75" x 7.75" base This incredible paper mâché Santa is ha..
Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Large  with Tree' TEMPORALLY OUT OF STOCK
$1350 Size: 29" tall. The Belsnickel. These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figures are ac..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK  Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Large-red'
$420 Sizes: 20"tall x 6"-1/2 round. The Belsnickel. These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas f..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Large - gold'
Sizes: 17"tall x 7"1/2round. The Belsnickel. These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figures a..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK <BR><BR> Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa ' with Toy Sack'
$278.00Sizes:13"1/2tall x 7"round.The Belsnickel.These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figuresare..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa  'with snow Tree'
$178 Sizes: 11"tall x 5"round. The Belsnickel These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figures..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Large in Red'
Size: 19.5" tall 7.75" x 7.75" base This incredible paper mà ..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa 'Small in Blue'
Size: 13" tall This incredible paper mà ..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa With Ornament Tree
$ 480 TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK Size: 16" tall   ..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK <BR><BR> Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa  'Red & Gold Stripes'
$220.00Size:10.5" tallThis incredible paper mÃ..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa with Ski and Tree
$326 Sizes: 14-1/2" tall x 6-1/2". The Belsnickel. These old fashioned looking St. Nichola..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa with Tree
$186 Size:  9-1/2"tall x 5"round. The Belsnickel These old fashioned looking St. Nich..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa with Tree
$174 Sizes: 10-1/2" tall. x 4-1/4"round The Belsnickel These old fashioned looking St. Nic..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa with Tree
$174 Sizes: 10-1/2"tall. x 4-1/4"round. "The Belsnickel" These old fashioned looking St. N..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Santa Large Old Red with Tree
$1,350 Size: 29" tall. The Belsnickel These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figures&nbs..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Machee Small Santa Boot
$128 Size: 8.75" tall Ino Schaller does it again with this spectacular interpretation of..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller  Paper Mache Santa  'Red with Tree'
$---- Size: ---- The Belsnickel These old fashioned looking St. Nicholas figures are actua..
TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK - Ino Schaller Paper Mache Large Santa Boot
$198 Size: 10" tall Ino Schaller does it again with this spectacular interpretation of S..
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