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Bavarian Pewters

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Oktoberfest - Beer Tent Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
$250 Celebrate October Fest! "Muenchen" "Oktoberfest" "Octoberfest" "Wiesenfest" "Bierzelt" ..
Miniature Pewter Bavarian Flag Wilhelm Schweizer
Hand painted German Pewter Miniature "Bavarian Flag Post" Size: 1-3/4" tall. 7 cm tall. T..
May Pole Maibaum Miniature Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Hand painted Bavarian German Pewter "Miniature May Pole" Size: 3 1/4" tall. 8 cm. The unp..
Wochenmarkt - July Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Der Wochenmarkt The Market JULY MONTH Muenchen - Viktualien Markt Munich - Viktualienmarkt ..
Bayrisches Tanz Paar Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Trachten Tanz Paar Sweet Bavarian dancing pair! Dressed in traditional Bavarian garb, they high ..
Bavarian House Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Bavarian House "Bauernhaus" Size: 6" x 7" tall. A bit of whimsy and nostalgia takes you back..
Farmer's House Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
$152.00 "Farmer's House" "Bauern Haus" Size: 9" x 7-1/2" tall. The Bauern Haus capures al..
Freistaat Bayern Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Freistaat Bayern Free State of Bavaria! Size: 3 1/2" x 4 1/4" tall. 8 1/2 cm x 11 cm tall...
Bayerisches Staatswappen Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Bayerisches Staatswappen COAT OF ARMS THE STATE of BAVARIA Size: 5 1/2" round. 14 cm round. ..
Bayerisches Wappen Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Bayerisches Wappen Also a Coat of Arms of Bavaria. Size: 5 1/2" round. 14 cm round. Belie..
Münchner Kindl Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$28 Muenchner Kindl Münchner Kindl Munchner Kindl    Size: 2-1/2" tall 6 cm ..
King Ludwig II Schlittenfahrt Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$336 "Wilhelm Schweizer King Ludwig II Schlittenfahrt. "King Ludwig II" Set of 3 pieces. S..
Bayrischer Hochzeitszug Hochzeitszug Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Bayrischer Hochzeitszug "Bavarian wedding parade" Size: Kuh 2 3/4" x 3 1/4" tall. 7 x 8,5 ..
Bayrischer Hochzeitszug Bayrische Musiker Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Wilhelm Schweizer Bayrischer Hochzeitszug "Group of the Bayrische Musiker" Size: Fahnentraeger ..
Bayrischer Hochzeitszug Hochzeitskutsche Wedding Carriage Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
$114 "Wilhelm Schweizer Bayrischer Hochzeitszug" "Bayrische Hochzeitskutsche" "Kutsche mit Brau..
Ludwig II Koenig von Bayern Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Ludwig II. King of Bavaria Ludwig II. Koenig von Bayern Size: 3-1/2 cm x 9 cm tall. 1 3/4" x ..
Bayerisches Grenzschild Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$38 "Bavarian boundary sign" "Bayerisches Grenzschild"   Size: 4-1/2" tall. 11 1/2 cm t..
Bayerisches Grenzschild Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Bavarian boundary sign "Bayerisches Grenzschild" Size: 5-3/4" tall 14 1/2 cm tall The unpar..
Bavarian Flag Bayrische Fahne Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Standing Bavarian Flag Size: 5 1/2" tall. 14 cm tall. The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of ..
Bavarian May Pole Maibaum Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Bavarian May Pole Size: 2 1/4" x 9 1/2" tall. 24 cm tall.   The unparalleled Wilhelm Sch..
May Pole Maibaum Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$60.00 "May Pole" "Maibaum" Size: 6" tall. 15 cm tall. The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweize..
Bavarian beer truck - Bayrischer Bierwagen Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
German Bavarian Pewter Bierwagen gross "Beer vehicle Oktoberfest" "Oktoberfest Bierwagen" "Oktobe..
Bavarian Musician Set Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
5/ five pieces. "Trachten Musiker Gruppe" "Bavarian musicians group" Size: 3-1/4" tall. 8 c..
Bayrische Tanz Gruppe  Set of 11 Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$460 "Bayrische Tanz Gruppe" "Set of 11" Hand Painted German Zinn Pewter Ornament. Made by a..
Bayrische Tanz Gruppe Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
$154 "Bayrische Trachten Tanzpaare 3 Paare" This is the complete set of three Bavarian dancing..
Bayrisches Tanz Paar Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Bayrisches Trachten Tanz Paar Another Bavarian Dancing Pair! Collect them all, dressed in their ..
Bayrisches Tanz Paar Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Bayrisches Trachten Tanz Paar Bavarian dancing pair! They are dressed in traditional Bavarian cl..
The Beer Drinker Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
$68 The Brewers The Beer drinker Hofbrauhaus Size: 3-1/2" x 4-1/4" tall Tough to keep th..
Bierbrauer - Beer Brewer Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Mixing The Hops "Brewer" "Braumeister" "Making that Beer" Size: 3-1/2" x 4-1/4" tall 9 x 1..
Bavarian Men  Window Wall Hanging  Wilhelm Schweizer
Size: 5.25" diameter The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern hand painted pewter! Know..
Munich Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Size: 3" W x 4.25" H The unparalleled Wilhelm Schweizer of Bayern hand painted pewter! Know..
May Pole Oktoberfest Window Wall Hanging Wilhelm Schweizer
Oktoberfest Maypole Size: 2 1/2" x 4" tall 6 1/2 cm x 10 cm tall At no other time of the ye..
Beer Wagon Miniature Standing Pewter Wilhelm Schweizer
Miniature Bavarian Beer Wagon "Bayrischer Oktoberfest Bier Wagen" Size: 3 1/2" long x 1" tall. ..
Large Bavarian May Pole Maibaum Standing Wilhelm Schweizer Pewter
$248 Bavarian May Pole / Maypole Bayern Maibaum Size: 16.25" tall The unparalleled Wilhel..
Bavarian Dancers Wilhelm Schweizer Pewter Set - Weekly Special 2
Introducing our new weekly Wilhelm Schweizer specials! These curated sets feature a handpicked arran..
Adler Train Wilhelm Schweizer Pewter Set - Weekly Special 3
Introducing our new weekly Wilhelm Schweizer specials! These curated sets feature a handpicked arran..
Feeding the Birds Wilhelm Schweizer Pewter Set - Weekly Special 5 - SOLD OUT
$246 Introducing our new weekly Wilhelm Schweizer specials! These curated sets feature a handpick..
Angel's Winter Journey Wilhelm Schweizer Pewter Set - Weekly Special 6 - SOLD OUT
$218 Introducing our new weekly Wilhelm Schweizer specials! These curated sets feature a handpick..
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