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Old German 3D Advent Calendar - LAST CALL

Old German 3D Advent Calendar - LAST CALL
Product Code: a934
Availability: In Stock
Price: $16.00 $12.80
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Size: 17.75" x 8.25" tall

A traditional Theatre style Advent Calendar. As
unfolded, the Advent Calendar self-erects into a
charming 3-D Nativity scene.

All of the panels have windows to open, 24 in total,
each hiding a surprise picture.

One of the most exciting
Advent Calendars on the market.

The free-standing Advent Calendars are attractive on
every window sill.

Most of them are two-part with an additional front

The Calendars are die-cut - a wonderful Christmas

Normally the Calendars are decorated with
silver glitter.

Windows illuminate when placed in
front of a light source.


An Advent calendar is a special calendar which is used
to count or celebrate the days of Advent in
anticipation of Christmas.

Some calendars are strictly religious, whereas others
are secular in content.

Today, most advent calendars are made for children.
Many take the form of a large rectangular card with
many "windows", one of which is opened every day
during Advent.

In less elaborate calendars, each
window opens to reveal an image, a poem, or part of
a story such as the Nativity story itself.

More elaborate Advent calendars have a small gift
concealed in each window, such as a toy or a
chocolate item.


The origins of the Advent calendar come from German
Lutherans who, at least as early as the beginning of
the 19th century, would count down the 24 days of
Advent physically.

Often this meant simply drawing
a chalk line on the door each day, beginning on
December 1.

Some families had more elaborate means
of marking the days, such as lighting a new candle
(perhaps the genesis of today's Advent wreath) or
hanging a little religious picture on the wall each


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