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Struwwelpeter Hoechst Porcelain

Zeitgeist and Tradition 

Marked with the Mainz wheel, Hoechst Porcelain has been manufactured for more than 260 years. Founded in 1746 with a manufacturer's privilege grant from the Archbishop and Crown Prince of Mainz, Johann Friedrich Carl von Ostein, Hoechst Porcelain is the second oldest porcelain manufactory in Germany.

Our consistent advancement of contemporary porcelain art has led to the exceptional beauty and value of Hoechst porcelain. Connoisseurs worldwide consider Hoechst Porcelain among the crowning achievements in European porcelain art.

Hoechst history

Hoechst Porcelain Manufactory was founded in 1746 as the Electoral Manufactory of Mainz. It is the second oldest porcelain manufactory in Germany and the only one in Hessen. This privilege, along with a monopoly in the Principality of Mainz was granted by the Crown Prince of Mainz, Johann Friedrich Carl von Ostein, with this privilege came the prerequisite that Hoechst Porcelain would keep the Mainz wheel as its trademark.

In 1977 the Dalberg House in Frankfurt-Hoechst which was formerly owned by the Archbishop of Mainz, Wolfgang von Dalberg, became the principal office of Hoechst Porcelain Manufactory.

In 2002, production was moved to the "Porzellanhof"; a newly renovated historically protected industrial building, which dates back to 1906, situated next to Hoechst city park.

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Struwwelpeter Mug 'Boeser Friederich' Shock-Headed Peter - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Shock-Headed Peter "Boeser Friederich - Mug" Size:3-1/2" tall.3' round. "Die Geschichte vom bö..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Struwwelpeter' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Struwwelpeter - Plate "Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. Struwwelpeter describes ..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Paulinchen' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Paulinchen" "Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug" Size:1" tall.7..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Hans-Guck-in-die-Luft' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte von Hans Guck-in-die-Luft" Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. (T..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Wilder Jaegersmann' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Wilder Jaegersmann" "Die Geschichte von dem wilden Jäger" Size:1" tall...
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Boeser Friederich' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte vom bösen Friederich" Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. (The St..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Daumenlutscher-Bub' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher" Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. (The Stor..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Zappel Philipp' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte vom Zappel-Philipp "Size:1" tall.7 3/4" round. (The Stor..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Fliegender Robert' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte vom fliegenden Robert "Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. (The S..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Schwarzen Buben' Shock-Headed Peter
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte von den schwarzen Buben "Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. The ..
Struwwelpeter Plate 'Suppen Kaspar' Shock-Headed Peter - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Shock-Headed Peter "Die Geschichte vom Suppen-Kaspar "Size:1" tall.7-3/4" round. The Story of ..
Struwwelpeter Struwwelpeterei - Plate Shock-Headed Peter
$54 " Shock-Headed Peter " "Size:1" tall.8-1/4" round. Der Struwwelpeter (1845)is a popular G..
Struwwelpeter Struwwelpeterei - Bowl Shock-Headed Peter
$54.00 Shock-Headed Peter "Struwwelpeterei - Bowl" "Struwwelpeterei - Schale""Struwwelpeterei ..
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