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Hubert Herr Cuckoo-Clock 'Chimney Sweeper with Train' - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK

Hubert Herr Cuckoo-Clock 'Chimney Sweeper with Train'  - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Product Code: HH-671-8-V-Zu-RM
Price: $0.00
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$ 1850
The Music Song:
1.) Der froehliche Wanderer

The Happy Wanderer
2.) Edelweiss
You have the opportunity night shutdown.
All our cuckoo clocks are made of solid wood and
are guaranteed handcarved.
The Black-Forest railroad is one of the most famous
mountain railroads in Germany whose center and most
interesting part lays in the region of Triberg.
Built under the direction of the genius engineer Robert
Gerwig, also founder of the clockmaker school in
Furtwangen and whose monument is in Triberg, the railroad
was inaugurated in 1873. From Gutach via Triberg to
Summerau it follows the track through many bends, bridges
and 36 tunnels through the Black-Forest to reach the
highest point at Sommerau at an altitude of 832m.

The Technique of the so-called turning tunnels, invented
by Gerwig in those years was an absolute sensation. And
only with this idea the railroad could be built the way
it is still existing today.
With the Black-Forest railroad one rides through a
fantastic and exiting wonderful landscape,
passing green laws, walking paths along with crystal-clear
small streams in which already Ernest Hemingway went
trout-fishing, passing historical Black-Forest
farmhouses, picturesquely built along the mountain
slopes. A fascinating event!
Die Schwarzwaldbahn ist eine der schonsten Gebirgsbahnen
in Duetschland, deren Mittelpunkt und interessanteste
Landschaft in der Region Triberg liegt.
Gebaut unter der Leitung des genialen Ingenieurs Robert
Gerwig, auch Grunder der Uhrmacherschule in Furtwagen und
dessen Denkmal in Triberg steht, wurder die Bahn im Jahre
1873 eingeweiht. Von Gutach via Triberg bis Sommerau
windet sich die Bahn durch viele Kurven, Brucken und 36
Tunnels den Scharzwald hoch, um auf der Sommerau bei 832m
Hohe den hochsten Punkt zu erreichen.
Gerwig's Kehrtunneltechnik, Kurven im Berg, damals eine
Sensation in Bahnabu, machte dies moglich.
Mit der Schwarzwaldbahn fahrt man durch eine herrliche
und erlebnisreiche Naturalandschaft, vorbei an Wegen,
Wiesen und krivorbei an Wegen, Wiesen und kristallkaren
Bachen in denen schon Ernest Hemingway Forellen angelte,
vorbei and historischen Schwarz-waldhofen, die pittoresk
in die Landschaft eingebettet sind. Ein faszinierends

Alle Kuckucksuhren sind aus echt Holz hergestellt
und garantiert handgeschnitzt!
'Chimney Sweeper with Train'

8-day movement.

15" x 9" x 12" tall.

38 cm x 23 cm x 30 cm tall.

without weights.
HUBERT HERR was a master woodcarver and all wooden
cuckoo clock cases and carvings were already made in
those days in the small factory and workshop.

HUBERT HERR had five children and they all worked at
the factory and workshop.

Production increased from year to year and already in
those days the cuckoo clocks were shipped to many
countries around the world.
All clocks are made out of solid wood and are
guaranteed handcarved.

Inside they have the finest mechanical movements,
weight driven to preserve the traditional way of
making and presenting these Original Black Forest
Cuckoo Clocks.

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