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KWO Smokermen Christmas The Viking - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK

KWO Smokermen Christmas The Viking - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Product Code: a21455
Price: $0.00
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Broad: 16.0 cm
Depth: 12.0 cm
Height: 21.0 cm

This is an Authentic German hand made KWO smoker! Smokermen are our most popular item in our retail shop in Middleburg, Virginia because they appeal to all ages. Whether it is in Olbernhau or Seiffen, the talented wood carvers and toymakers of Germany are primarily located in the area of Germany called the Erzgebirge or Ore Mountains. This area of Germany is in Sachsen, and their woodworking and toymaking is world class and renowned all over the world. As seen in the countless Chriskindel or Weihnachts Markts or markets in Germany, they are a tradition spanning more than 250 years. These jolly smokermen will charm you and yours. Pick up a Smokerman for a loved one and watch the reaction! Don't forget to order the German incense to go inside the smoker man. The room will instantly have the cozy fragrance of a wood burning fireplace. You will burning fireplace. Order now for the very best selection, because they go fast!

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