Oktoberfest Paulaner Beer Steins 200 Jahre OKTOBERFEST German Beer Mug

  • Oktoberfest Paulaner Beer Steins   200 Jahre OKTOBERFEST German Beer Mug
  • Oktoberfest Paulaner Beer Steins   200 Jahre OKTOBERFEST German Beer Mug
  • Oktoberfest Paulaner Beer Steins   200 Jahre OKTOBERFEST German Beer Mug
Product Code: Paul200Jahre
Availability: In Stock
Price: $54.00
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"200th Anniversary Oktoberfest Munich"
"OKTOBERFEST 200 Jahre Paulaner"

"Paulaner 200 Jahre OKTOBERFEST"

Size:4-1/4" round x 8" tall.

1 Liter Bierkrug 1 Liter German Beer Mug1 Liter beer of pitcher

The ultimate, authentic direct from Germany Oktoberfest Beer Krug.

This is a completely authentic 200 Year Anniversary Edition of the traditional oversizedbeer stein honoring the famed Munich Beer, Paulaner of Munich.  Paulaner is a beer that exists since 1634 in Munich.Beyond that and more importantly, this Krug honors the 200 year anniversary of thefirst Oktoberfest in 1810.The entire work on the front of this specialedition mug is fully engraved into the saltware.  

Present your hubby, boyfriend, father, brother, uncle, or boyfriend with this authentic Oktoberfest Beer mug, he willbe the envy of the Oktoberfest.Imported from Germany. Very Limited Quantity of these special Krugs so order yours now!"

"German Beer Steins" "German Beer Mug""German Bier Krug""Oktoberfest""Octoberfest"

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