Die schönsten Kinderbuch-Klassiker - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK

  • Die schönsten Kinderbuch-Klassiker - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Product Code: 05404
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Die schönsten Kinderbuch-Klassiker
The Most Beautiful Children's Book Classics

64 pages

45 minutes

This great collection combines three of the most popular German children's tales: Struwwelpeter, Struwwelliese, and Max & Moritz! Enjoy the misadventures of these mischevious characters and learn a thing or two along the way. It features all the original illustrations, more vivid than ever before, as well as the original German text you're familiar with. Also included is an audio CD of the stories, perfect for reading along! If you're missing any of these German classics, now is your opportunity to own them all. 

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