Mensch ärgere dich nicht - Mauerhüpfer - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK

  • Mensch ärgere dich nicht - Mauerhüpfer - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK
Product Code: 49276
Price: $0.00
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Box Size:
14.5" x 10.5" x 2"

2 - 4


Play Time:
30 - 40 min

Mensch ärgere dich nicht means "Do not get annoyed" (literally "Do not get annoyed, man" or "Do not get annoyed, buddy"). The name derives from the fact that a peg is sent back to the "out" field when another peg lands on it, similar to the games Sorry! and Trouble.

This fantastic spin-off is called "Mauerhüpfer" which translates to "Wall Hopper". In this version players use two dice to play the game. Also introduced are walls which can allow for short cuts and other variations!

This frustratingly fun German board game was developed by Josef Friedrich Schmidt in 1907. And this new exciting version was created by Norbert Tauscher!

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